Monday, October 15, 2007

not so ghetto anymore

For those of you who no longer have the privilege of living at Crestview and Terrace Manor.....Mark the Maintenance Man has been quoted saying that we were finally bought out by another company and they will be doing renovations to ALL the units....kitchens, bathrooms, and maybe washer/dryers and dishwashers in the 3 and 4 bedroom units. YAY!! They are supposed to begin in December and finish in October. Just in time for some of the rest of us to move. But the bad news is that we'll be changing over to different housing rules so everyone living here will be paying rent regardless of income. (i think for 3 bedrooms it's around $450...but don't quote me) I don't know all of the details but it's exciting.

So what are everyone's kids being for Halloween? I've been looking forward to Halloween since about August. Corgan is going to be Peter Pan and Lily will be Tinkerbell. Haven't decided on Blake. Don't forget to watch Hero's tonight!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hello everyone, just wondering, but have any of you experienced false labor with your pregnancies? We have practically gone to the hospital twice now, but then the contractions ease up and go away. Ugh. What on earth do I have to do to get this girl to come out?! I think I might try acupressure next...we have tried all the other "natural" labor inducers, aside from castor oil and strange herbs. I just can't bring myself to do that. Any fun stories or advice? I am having the daily crazies at this point!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Hi Everyone

Hey just wanted to let everyone know that I started a Hall Family blog. It is So anyway I hope everyone is doing well. Congrats Anjuli I was very surprised and very excited for you when I heard! Talk to all soon!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Never say Never!!!

Well guess what??? I am pregnant!!! Who would of thought!! We are excited, me about the baby not being pregnant. I am lamenting the 10 lbs I lost over the summer!!! We are hoping for a girl though Joseph isn't holding his breath.  He came from a family of 4 boys so he doesn't think it is going to happen.  I really want a girl, someone to put cute clothes on and buy pink things for. Well we will see what happens.  Check my blog for some random photos of the boys!!!